Welcome to my Gallery - with pictures from Airshows, Museums and Spotting locations.
This is very much still Work in Progress - so come back once in a while for new photo collections.
Note that all photos have been taken by myself in the last couple of years...
Have fun !
Volker Vormstein
RNLAF Open Dagen on June 10&11 2016 - this year dubbed 'Operatie Luchsteun'.
Pictures from both airshow days as well as Rehearsals and arrivals on Thursday June 9 - which had to be cut short after the Patrouille Suisse Crash.
Both days had less-than-perfect weather for taking photos , but at least most teams could perform their high shows. Star of the event was without doubt the dutch F35 which made its European airshow debut participating in the daily Airpower Demo.